This is #1 the first Tiger Cub!
First flight April 1 of 96
XL Built for Dave Hartner of Washington, PA
First flight June of 97
XL built for Ron Cooper of B R Falls Wi.
First flight May 98
The first UL built for Glen Wells of Spencerville, OH
First flight September of 98
Our demo plane w/ Bill in it... First flight Sept. 2000.
First Tiger Cub completed from plans.
Built by Wayne Degelleke of Winter Haven, FL
Built by Herb Fender of Kingsville, MO. You can contact Herb by Email 
Built by Max Rentz of Newark, OH. You can contact Max by Email
Max also setup a group site on Yahoo for the Tiger Cub UL Link to group site.
First flight Nov.24,2006
Owned by Guy Madden of Westcliffe, CO. You can contact Guy by Email 